東京メトロの新型コロナの英語アナウンス 9




Thank you for your continuous cooperation to our measures against the novel coronavirus infection. Although the state of emergency was lifted, we would like to kindly ask you to continue wearing a mask and refrain from talking on the train and in the station in order to prevent the infection. Moreover, we also ask you to practice staggered commuting to avoid the rush hours, and teleworking. We are using the air conditioners and keeping some windows open for ventilation on the train. If you find any place that are not ventilated enough, we ask for your cooperation to open the nearby window.

文法的に気になるのは「we also ask you to practice staggered commuting to avoid the rush hours, and teleworking.」の「and teleworking」の部分で,文脈的には「practice staggered commuting」と「practice teleworking」を並べているのだが,「the rush hours, and teleworking」をひとかたまりと考えると「ラッシュ時間帯とテレワークを避けていただきますよう」になってしまう。もうひとつは「If you find any place that are ...」で,place が単数なのに are で受けているところである。is で受けるか places のように複数にするかどちらかだろう。

英語の音声アナウンスが追加された。英語音声では「..., and teleworking.」までとなっており,「We are using ...」以降は省略されていた。